Friday, 29 January 2010

ABAP maximum for compiled code (within user exit) reached

Last week we've encountered some strange behavior (read: short dumps) in our BW system. For some strange reason the user exit for variables (function module EXIT_SAPLRRS0_001; include zxrsru01) was generating shortdumps. Analysis revealed that there's a maximum of 32kb of compiled code which the abap runtime environment can handle. (This limitation is not regarding the number of coded lines, but the amount of byte code generated)
This limitation was breached as we've placed all our user-exit code in one big CASE/ENDCASE statement.
When we replaced this big CASE/ENDCASE statement by several smaller CASE/ENDCASE chunks, everything worked fine again.

Thanks to Crispian for the analysis

Wednesday, 27 January 2010

Easily find the request ID you're looking for

Two easy ways to find Request ID's in a BW 7.0 system:

1) Use transaction code RSRQ and enter the request ID you're looking for

2) When 'monitoring' a request ID, you can press SHIFT-F5 or go to the menu-bar and press Request -> Other Request. Within the pop-up which appears, another request ID (the one you're looking for) can be entered.

Friday, 22 January 2010

Adding a filter value within a DTP

It's been a while (in fact: it's been to long) since I've last posted a blog entry. The reason for this was that I've been working as a team-lead the last couple of months. Therefore I was more 'occupied' with leading a team, then I was with inventing/discovering great BI 7.0 solutions....
But as I'm back in the saddle, I'm proudly presenting my first 2010 blog entry:

Within the DTP-extraction tab, you're able to set a filter to control the data you're going to extract:

The standard coding which will be displayed will be something like this:

read table l_t_range with key fieldname = ' '.
l_idx = sy-tabix.
if l_idx <> 0.
   modify l_t_range index l_idx.
   append l_t_range.

Please be aware that, if l_idx = 0 and thus no entry is found in table l_t_range, you also have to fill in the fieldname

Eg. Usually, for filling a range, the following code is entered:
   l_t_range-sign = 'I'.
   l_t_range-option = 'EQ'.
   l_t_range-low = 'something'
This coding is sufficient when the read statement (read table l_t_range with key fieldname = 'whatever') finds an entry in table l_t_range...and thus l_idx <> 0.

When no entry is found (and thus l_idx = 0) you also have to add the following line to the code
   l_t_range-fieldname = 'FIELDNAME'.
otherwise filling the range has no added the system does not know for which field the range should be filled....